Q: Are the chalkboards you paint waterproof?

A: Yes all the images I paint are fully waterproof, but can be removed with a good chemical cleaner. Alternatively they can be painted over with blackboard paint.

Q: Do you draw all the images?

A: Yes, all the artwork is hand drawn & painted.

Q: What type of paints do you use?

A: I use several types of ink. Ranging from Zig Posterman & Woodcraft pens to Posca, acrylics and household paints.

Q: Can you draw & paint on any surface?

A: Yes most surfaces. primarily chalkboards ie: MDF & PLY. But the pens are versatile & can be used on glass, ceramics or brick... (note) Woodcraft & Posterman pens although fine on glass, they are not scratch resistant.

Q: Do you do all the work on site.

A: No not always. I sometimes take work home to complete. 

Q: How long have you been a chalkboard artist?

A: I became a fulltime professional chalkboard artist in 2009. 

Q: How long did you train at art college to become a chalkboard artist?

A: I 've never been to art college, I'm self taught...with some help and advice from my peers I hasten to add.  

Q: Is all your work for pubs etc ?

A: No, I often take on private commissions for individuals, be it birthdays, christmas, children's room's etc.